Marketing Tips & Articles

Marketing To Businesses By SIC:

Market To Businesses In Your Area!

Our "Businesses" program allows you to market to businesses in your area. You can market to every business in your area, or target specific types of businesses by SIC code. This means you can target Restaurants, Contractors, Liquor Stores, Auto Repair Shops… whatever type of business you want to target!

Our Commercial Insurance Marketing programs includes everything…Design, Data, Printing, Mailing Service and more, all for one price.

This leaves you and your staff free to talk to prospects and sell insurance!

Commercial Business Program Features:

Select Only The Types Of Business You Want To Market To: You can select the types of businesses you want to market to, by SIC code. SIC code categories can be very broad, or very specific.

For instance, you could target all the restaurants in your area. Or, you could only target Mexican Restaurants in your area.

Another example could be for Contractors. On a broad level, you could target all contractors in your area, or on a very specific level, you could target only Electrical Contractors.

Schedule Repeat Mailings For Maximum Impact

With business lists, there is no publicly available "x­date", or title transfer date for the business, like there is for property records. This means we have no estimated insurance renewal date with which to time the marketing by. So, we find that a repeat mailing schedule is the best approach to get the most out of your marketing campaign.

With repeat mailings you are more likely to have a marketing piece showing up around the time a business may be renewing their current insurance policy, or may have other insurance needs. Repeat mailings also help brand your agency and build name recognition in the local business community.

We Take Care Of Everything

Our Building Owners program includes everything…Design, Data, Printing, Postage and Mailing Service, all for one price. This leaves you and your staff free to talk to prospects and sell insurance.

Personalization Is The Key To Direct Mail Success

Each postcards is personalized to the prospect. If your direct mail is not utilization variable data in the design, you are spending too much money for too little results. Let us help you achieve a better return on your direct mail dollar!

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